deepXIT BlackHat EU, London
[deep eSupport] by TeamViewer
Windows, MacOS, Linux, iPhone/iPad iOS, AndroidOS
The difficult we do easily, the impossible little slow us down.
deep now accepts payments via PayPalMe
for all customers the most easy and realiable method to pay for eSupport
just follow the link: https://www.paypal.me/deepsupport
Project: deep NextCloud
Status: Install and configure a Nextcloud instance for SOHO/SMB segment
Project: deep Let's Encrypt CA
Status: Implementation of Let's Encrypt and CertBOT - succesfull and opeartional
Project: deep Syncthing Relay Server
Status: Finished and operational
Project: deep Traccar GPS Server
Status: Finished and operational
Project: deep Open Surveilance Sticker v. 1.0
Free download of AI/ODG files:
deep supports using of Open Document Format Drawing - ODG (LibreOffice)
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